Our Activities


Win the award with your painting!

Dear Children!

The Tiszatáj Public Foundation announces a drawing competition in the "Birds of Prey" theme for the following two age groups:

  • 1-4. graders;

  • 5-8. graders.

Deadline for submission of drawings and paintings: 12.08.2024.

Delivery address: Rákóczi út 14, 4450 Tiszalök, Hungary

We are looking for hand-made pictures related to birds of prey. Within this, the works can be made with any technique, and we have no size restrictions.

The announcement of the results of the drawing competition will be held as part of our event "Owl and wren - family day" on Saturday, August 24, 2024, starting at 11:00 a.m. at the Visitor Center of the Tiszatáj Public Foundation, which is located on the outskirts of Kesznyéten (Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county) at the Szamárhát farm.

Up for creation! We are waiting for the entries!

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